Posted inMovies, Top 5

My Top 5 Movies and What Makes Them Special

Hey there, movie buffs! If you’re looking for your next movie night picks, I’ve got you covered. I’ve put together a list of my top five favourite films, and trust me, they’re all gems that you should absolutely check out. These movies cover a diverse range of genres and are all must-sees in their own way. So grab some popcorn, get cosy, and let’s dive into the world of cinematic greatness.

Posted inFive Star, Movies, Reviews

Star Trek: First Contact Review

★★★★★ Fans agree that Star Trek: First Contact stands out as a spectacular instalments in the series. Released in 1996, this sci-fi extravaganza dives into the fascinating idea that a seemingly insignificant event in the past can dramatically shape the future. The film does a brilliant job of bringing this mind-bending concept to life!